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River wear downstream on a sunny afternoon in Durham

Visiting Academics

The Business School has a vibrant Visiting Academics Programme.

We welcome applications for visits of up to one year from scholars at all stages of their careers. 

You will be paired with a Department Collaborator from the School based on your shared research interests. They will act as a link to the School, the University and Durham, and help you to take full advantage of all the opportunities on offer. 

Visiting Academics should hold a PhD or have submitted their thesis for examination. 

Criteria for acceptance to the Visiting Academic Programme: 

  • Ability to fulfil research objectives as proposed 
  • Make a positive contribution to the research culture of the School 
  • Contribution to research seminar programme 
  • Sufficient fluency in English to be able to benefit from their time in Durham. If required a telephone interview will be arranged. 

The Visiting Academic Programme includes: 

  • Attendance at regular Research Seminars 
  • Access to shared desk space 
  • Access to shared and public computers 
  • IT facilities, photocopying and printing in the Department 
  • Access to University Library 
  • Stationery 
  • Reasonable use of postage and faxing 
  • Internal and local telephone calls 

At the end of your stay

As a Visiting Academics you will be expected to prepare a short report on your achievements and experience at the Business School. 

Fees for Visiting Academic Programme 

Length of stay (maximum one year) 

Fee (excluding VAT)* 

Per month 


A full academic year (12 months) 


*VAT (20%) is chargeable to all UK and overseas visitors unless they are students. 

Please Note: 

  • For academics visiting from partner universities where we have staff exchange agreements, the bench fees may be waived. 
  • It is the Visiting Academic's responsibility to deal with immigration, visas, accommodation and family issues. 

How to apply 

Please email business.researchhub@durham.ac.uk for more information on how to apply.